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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  October 1, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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social media lawrence jones 3 set your dvrs and watch it within 24 hours. so you never miss a show. don't forget to sending us your stories cross country at good night america. brian: i see that animation and i am reminded, it's saturday night and that means "one nation" what a headline. dr. mehmet oz closing the gap in pennsylvania. if he does not win, the republicans can't win the senate. let's do something i swore i wouldn't do. i am going to do a what aboutism
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as it relates to president biden and donald trump. listening to biden's words and watching his actions, i feel i don't have a choice. what about if donald trump had given a major u.n. speech and stopped short with what to do next. we all know how the media would react. but not a word about that stuttering word. can you imagine, four days of the deadly hurricane as it makes landfall, he kept his date for a party fundraiser at which time he ripped that governor and other republican governors instead of going to the situation room, putting on the wind breaker and making some
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decisions. we all know true leaders are defined by how they react to disasters. now back to the what aboutisms. what if mike pence said, north korea. >> the united states shares a very important relationship which is an alliance with the republic of north korea. it's an alliance that is strong and enduring. >> uncorrected and they changed the transcript. can you imagine if donald trump forgot a congresswoman he eulogized was in fact dead. >> senator vaughn, senator booker, representative jooky -- where is jackie? i thought she was going to be
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here. brian: what if a republican press secretary didn't have a good answer for that stunning, shocking statement. >> she was on his mind, she was top of mind for the president. he looks forward to discussing her remarkable legacy of public service when he sees her family this friday. brian: the media gave joe biden a pass. laurainlawyer laurailaura ingra. you see the what about-isms. was this a week like no other? laura: when you see the president of the united states having to be pointed in the
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right direction after he finishes his speech, and he still starts and seems to have many moments of confusion, it's hard to watch. i think in moments we can laugh and think it's funny. but it's not funny when the country is going through what the country is enduring right now. the economic collapse. the schools collapsed. the covid fraud, the massive amount of money looted from the treasury in covid relief funds. the difficult war we are fighting, proxy status in ukraine. we need leadership, the strong, confident and reassuring. i think you saw that with ron desantis with the hurricane, and the stark contrast between desantis and biden.
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and president trump when he was president. it's night and day. people are seeing this. brian: i think they are. the thing is, as much as raymond arroyo's segments are funny, i think this week they are alarming. because other people are looking. it's not just about us and november 8. people are looking to see if we are vulnerable. democrats seem to be look at ron desantis to get the nomination. suddenly behind closed doors he's saying disparaging things about donald trump. and a rivalry with governor abbott. do you see that he will get the same treatment as donald trump if president trump doesn't get the nomination and he does. laura: when john mccain when he
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was running against obama. he was a racist war monger and everything you can think of. they did it to mitt romney. he put this dog in a crate. so he was an out of touch eve athlete. they did it to trump. whoever is the nominee, whether it's donald trump or someone else, they will get the same treatment. i think they are priming the pump to hit desantis very hard. i think we can expect to have it get a lot hotter and a lot more vicious. brian: if you talk to laura ingraham off camera, you are not about a party, you are about the country. brian: it's going to be about the issues. and you are going to vote. and right now things have changed since july.
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it's no longer about abortion or donald trump. it's about in any order. crime, the border wars. it's about education. it's about everything else going on in this country that matters. the economy and inflation. having said that, do you think that red wave will be reprimed? >> i never bought the argument that joe biden had the wind at his back because gas prices toggled down a bit because he used the strategic oil reserves to flood the market. i never thought that. i think it's all bull. people are not going to be going into the polls and saying to themselves, i'm going to choose more abortions for mississippi and alabama, states that might not permit a lot of abortions right now. that's more important to me than
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my family's budget, my children's education, the unsafe streets. we are having to worry about basic necessities to buy them. it's decline and despair on the democrat side versus republicans, a chance for a new beginning. i think people are going to make a common sense choice in most cases, even in the pacific northwest. i think patty murray and tony evers could be in trouble. keep your eye on the states where there they are assured wins for the democrats. brian blr laura thanks so much for giving up some of your weekend for our audience. laura, i can't wait to watch you on the reruns. brian: don't forget to dvr "one
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nation" every saturday at 8:00. fetterman flounders in the keystone state. dr. oz joins "one nation" next. we took to the streets to find out who should be running for the oval office on the democratic side. new jersey has a radical sex education system. stay right here, "one nation" continues in a matter of moments.
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brian: welcome back to saturday night on "one nation." john fetterman the democratic
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nominee and republican candidate dr. mehmet oz virtually tied. oz is going after him because he's soft on crime. and supports certain drugs. he deleted comments about black lives matter on his website. you closed a 15-point gab. how did you do it? >> i focused on the economy. in pennsylvania by blocking fracking and the piping of natural gas we increased energy prices. john fetterman in every job he had tried to increase taxes.
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and yet he has not paid his own taxes 67 times. that hypocrisy bothers pennsylvanians. the big issue in pennsylvania is the lawlessness. the crime is out of control. we just had our 1,000th carjack in pittsburgh. there is fentanyl deaths. we are top five in the country caused by an open border. fetterman wants to legalize all drugs and have injection sites. portland did it than was a 50% increase in the deaths from fentanyl and 40% increase in homicides. when you make the land lawless, that's what you suffer from. brian: his camp comes back and says what do dr. oz know about
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fighting crime? what's your answer? >> my job as a heart surgeon like all doctors is to tiks things. there is no question crime was driven up because we allowed drugs to run rampant. that was made worse because we opened the border. fetterman supports sanctuary cities. you can go up and count entire list of unions responsible for keeping us safe and i have been endorsed by them. they dislike fetterman intensely because he under mines them at every turn. you walk through the streets of philadelphia it looks like you are part of a social experiment. brian: almost every city big and small. i asked what was the number one
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issue in birmingham and he said crime. you want to have a debate with john fetterman. he's having trouble with words. he wants to extends the debate with. you want a 90-minute debate. he said no. where does this stands? >> pat toomey came out saying again you are applying for my job. if you want to be a u.s. senator you have to go out and answer questions. he needs to debate me more often and longer. the pittsburgh post said you have got to debate oz enough times before absentee ballots are returned. pat toomey is arguing that he has to answer questions from the press at these events and answer
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questions from voters. he has not answered a single question from anybody at his events. how do we know he can do the job? and he has to be more transparent about his medical records. he has been called upon to do this for many records. i released mine and went to the doctor's office to get updated information. he has to be transparent to help the voters make the right decision. brian: if you don't debate him, can you win right now? it seems that he wants to run out the clock. >> that's what everybody on the democratic side is hoping he will run the clock out. he didn't want to debate but he got cornered in it because there was intense pressure pennsylvanians. if you can't defend your position, you lose. we are going to win this race no
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matter what. it would be good to let the people of pennsylvania understand fully about their candidates. fetterman will preserve the status quo. the question is the country headed in the right direction? the answer is no and i am the one to make it better. brian: if you don't win that seat, they don't win the senate. go to dr. come support me, we can do this together. >> best of luck, stay safe. ticktock is so popular republicans and democrats are using it to campaign. but national security risks can't be ignored any longer. is china spying on us through
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that app? jimmy failla. jimmy weighs in.
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luhansk. i'm jon scott, now back to "one
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nation." brian: tiktok the most popular app in the world with one billion users, both democrats and republicans are using it as a campaign tool. even after finding out the app shares user data with china. trump wanted to get rid of it. neil ferguson joins us now. should both parties be using tiktok? >> when i first looked at tiktok a couple years ago, i couldn't believe my eyes. it was dancing ferrets and people behaving idiotically in their kitchens and gyms. but when you look closely, two things strike you. this is a hugely popular app with young people. millions and tens of millions of
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young americans use it. they prefer it to facebook. it's all the rage. secondly it's a chinese owned app. all your data, and it's all about data, are accessible by the chinese government. you might think who cares about my preferences for dancing ferrets. but anybody using tiktok is generating quite a lot of information about their preferences. while it may seem their preferences are inane things, that information can be enormously useful if it's available in large scale. brian: they will try to make it cool to be china. speak of russia and the cold war. it's amazing what's taken place the last few weeks as ukraine
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got on the offensive. the "new york times" got ahold of interest crepts using their cell phones and calling back to other people and sharing that cell phone. one was, one soldier calling home. no one told us they were going to war. they warned us one day before we left. another interest crept. putin is a fool. he wants to take kyiv, but there is no way we can do it. what is actually happening in the battlefield? >> their morale is rock bottom. i estimate something like a quarter of the initial invasion force is dead because they wildly underestimated ukraine's ability and ukraine armed with western weapons has proven to be
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a formidable foe. the same week president putin is annexing chunks of ukraine, the western forces are losing their grip on it. making the performance in moscow yesterday yesterday a complete sham and a farce. there is a chance ukraine can take some lands back. that's why putin is threatening to using a peek into care the u.s. and ukrainian. brian: who do you think blew up the pipeline? >> russia. it's part of the madman theory. you want to intimidate your enemies to make them think you are mad. attempting to use a nuclear weapon and blowing up pipelines. all of this i think is designed
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to cause us to slow down the weapons deliveries instead doing what we should be doing and stepping them up to press our advantage. brian: we have to make sure they do it. neil ferguson, always educational. thanks so much. coming up, teach kids sex education or lose funding? it seems few wants to see president biden run for a second term. who do they want to see instead? we
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brian: president biden having you a tough week, first looking for a dead congress woman in the crowd, then forgetting the name of his fema administrator. many people are saying he shouldn't run for reelection. we hit the streets. if not him, who? >> there is a poll out that says joe biden shouldn't run for president again. >> no. >> i worry about his ability to handle the job. >> putin's wil ...
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>> absolutely not. >> absolutely not. >> yeah, i think so. >> we'll go with what we have. >> no. >> i did vote for him originally. like so many of the americans when his approval rating is down so far, i'm in that group. >> america is a nation that can be designed in a single word ... >> he took no accountability for the rise in gas prices. >> i feel he's not the best choice. the democrats probably have somebody better. >> kamala harris do you think she will do a good job? >> no. >> no. she layed the black card. >> no way. >> not even. not enough money to make her
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president. >> what about bernie sanders? >> i would consider bernie. >> no. >> who else? >> hillary clinton? >> god, no. >> no. >> i think we need younger people. >> hillary has had her time. we had our go-around. we dealt with the clintons. she did her best. it didn't happen. time to move on. brian: comedian jimmy failla has been watching that taking notes. what's your take? he did not have a good week, the president of the united states. >> when biden turned into the kid from the 6th sense and saw dead people, that's what the
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american people are reacting to. biden and bernie need to step aside for somebody younger like moses. i do believe hillary wants to make a another har charge. she is obsessed. she read the speech she would have given had she won. imagine running into your ex and reading your wedding vows. brian: there is no jfk. >> no, no, no, no, no. newsom wants to run. anybody who tells you harris should run. brian: no one expects you to be politically correct. but when you are an executive at anding you are supposed to be.
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this guy was doing a tiktok video and this is how tony beliefins described it. >> what do you do for a living? >> i play tennis, but i have weekends off. brian: he got fired for somebody's tiktok video. >> this is insane. a this an academy winning film, he was clearly joking. while we were watching the tiktok china, our stuff got stolen from china. he's got a future, absolutely. brian: tom hanks has self-esteem
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problems. he was asked about what phil fills he liked. he said he only did four films that were good. he's the finest actor by far. if you had to pick the top hanks films what would it be. >> private ryan is the best. it tells the story of d day. but i also have an affinity for sully. i drove in my taxi a guy that was on that plane that day. it landed in the hudson. democrats are saying i can't believe they weren't wearing masks. brian: my pick is "big," and "saving private ryan." this is my favorite hanks moment. >> i am talking to you, mister. don't make me take you down.
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i'm bigger than you. >> make your move. >> you first. >> it's a great one. the country might have peaked at boughtsome buddy. this came in, an outstanding comedian is leaving "the daily show" and taking over for jon stewart. why do you think he's going. >> if it's the ratings that would be one. he says he wants to try something new, i assume he means comedy. "the daily show," it's $25 to get in, $100 to get out. brian: do you have a hundred' who will replace stuart? >> i am sure there is somebody
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who fits the diversity. >> i think oliver. he's way to the left. >> i love your ad attitude, the ratings aren't good enough, we can make the show worse. >> he dresses down for the radio show. i get yelled at. watch him on foxnation. and fox across america. thanks so many. if you want to see me on stage i will be in let's go brandon, mississippi on november 12. and newark, new jersey full of fox talent will be joining me, the fox all stars. we'll talk about history how it should be from 1776, not 1619.
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brian: when it comes to tough conversations with kids, it's best for parents to take the lead. but new jersey is change that and aims attitudes as young as 7 years old. that's when they start introducing naming genitals, the state mandates they explore
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gender identity in their health le sobs. they are throwing out the birds and the bees in exchange for teaching oral sex for 8th grade students. it mandates they be talk about abortion and stds. parents are outraged. joining me to discuss it, talk radio host bill spadia. he's on the front lines in this madness alongside them as the founder of the common sense club. what's your reaction to it. >> you said it perfectly. absolute madness. i'm talking to the largest audience in the state, parents are calling all the time. you know who else is calling? teachers? teachers don't want to teach this stuff to kids.
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you are talking to children who haven't goth gone through puberty and you are talking about sex acts in the classroom. most of what's in this curriculum, if you said it around the water cooler at work, you would be fired. parents are upset about two things. one, how inappropriate the curriculum is. number two, they are being left out of the conversation. the government is taking the position that the school has to come? between the parents and the kids. and they do it in the name of tolerance and gender identity. you are talking about little kids waiting for santa claus to bring them presents on christmas morning, now you are talking about having them doubt if they were born in the wrong body. brian: your governor almost lost the race in a very blue state.
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did he not get the message? >> he didn't get the message in part. if you see what happened in new jersey in 2021. the race should have been won by the republicans. the republican nominee failed to champion parents. and those kids and the small businesses. look what youngkin did, he ran essentially on one issue. stands up for parents rights and stands up for a normal education where we teach kids how to be good citizens and teach them reading, writing and math. and put parents in the driver's seat. i think if we had had a candidate with the courage and strengths of glenn youngkin -- brian: he didn't champion this because he went to a focus group.
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he looked at the school board meeting. kids in virginia took action this week. he made a move legislatively to put the parents back in control. these kids have already been indoctrinated and they are taking action against a more traditional curriculum. are the kids siding with these lunatic curriculum leaders? >> they are being fed propaganda at an impressionable age. we are seeing this with the sex curriculum and we are seeing it with the tearing down of people's gender identity. they don't want you to identify as a boy or girl. and you can't blame the kids. the challenge is we need to fight at the school board level. iin the 2022, the school boards
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is where the power is and where we start to turn this around. bill spadea, thanks so much. brian: pickleball, and school pickup lines. ainsle
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brian: where does the time go? i believe it's time for the "news duel" stories that you talk about at the water cooler. here is the author of "i'm so glad you were born." we dueled before but not with your book out. we have a theme in salutation to you. >> it's about mothers parenting babies, children. brian: parents are furious because there is a sense when you go to a playground now, adults have been roping off playgrounds for kids and make their own pickleball courts. they are so upset because their kids can't play. you go to the central parks in the city. i'm on the central park
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playground committee. these moms and dads are coming in and drawing their own pickleball courts and our kids play there. you have know how new yorkers are. they will say get out of our lane or get out of my way. they are using their kids to rope off areas with picnic blankets down in areas that are cement. brian: i never played it, but i would like to try it. >> this mom, we are all back at school, this mom says we have been back at school for three weeks and no one knows how to properly drop their kids to in the line at school. this mom says i'm going to show you how it's done. >> teach them how to one-two step. slide, shuffle, whatever you have to do.
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they know what to do. first stay with me. they should have their backpacks on in the car. it's okay. let them sit up. opening the door for them. let them open their own damn door. we are already going 5 miles per hour. we are going to reduce it to 3? we are going to put it down to zero. >> i love this mom. she says this is not a stop. it's a yield. >> in the beginning she says i'm going to tell you how it's done. brian: extra lay valeria baldwin
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instagram, it's a hard balance, one i don't think i do very well. i feel i'm not giving it up to all my children. mom guilt. you had 7 kids. it's not like a second kid by mistake. i understand she is probably a great parents. but i can't buy the mom guilt. >> we all feel the mom guilt. she takes care of her body and she stays healthy. she is breast feeding two children at one time. have you seen her? they might have 8, 9 and 10. brian: you have another story for me. >> parents and coaches are in
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fight. they have one game between the coaches and the rams. then they have a second fight between the knights and the broncos. brian: there will have to be the cops at games. there are cops in school. these kids are 7 years old. emotions get high on the football field. i have been urging you to get hayden who you wrote this book about into sports. this is texas. >> i'm from south carolina, people fight. that's what they do. this is a study by the center in japan how to put your baby to sleep. you carry the baby for five minutes, sit with the baby for 8 minutes and lay the baby down to
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sleep. that was the doctor who was twisting my baby in knots. i thought can i have my baby back? >> fold one arm in front and put him in a prone position. brian: is she doing it right? i was terrified. >> even if that works, they were folding my baby. please don't break her arms. >> congratulations on i'm so glad you were born, celebrating. >> if you want a copy, it's ainsley e. brian: sadly, that's it for us tonight. you can catch more 9:00 to 12:00
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monday through friday. tune in to "fox and friends" 6 to 9. we are always posting great stuff on facebook and twitter. it's time for "unfiltered" wit dan bongino. dan: there is a lot of rough tough happening in the world. the nord rea stream pipeline sabotaged. i will break down why they could be slow walking us into a world war. my home state of florida just took a massive hit from a hurricane. the left


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